This weekend our friends, the Husted's rented this beautiful log cabin home. They generously invited us to join them for a long weekend as a last hoorah-rah-rah before Allen deploys later this week. We had such a great time! The home was absolutely gorgeous! The view was spectacular! Of course, we were in good company---so it was bound to be a good time!
Friday we hit the slopes... I hadn't been skiing since college (which was a really looong time ago!) and even then I wasn't very good! So... the girls and I and the Husteds took private lessons. It's pretty embarrassing when half-way through the lessons two more instructors had to be called in for reinforcement! We figured it probably had to do with all of our different skill levels. We got a good laugh at the fact that Cindy and I ended up with our own instructors! I guess we were the remedial students of the group and needed some one-on-one instruction! The girls did FANTASIC! As soon as their lessons were over they were zooming down the mountain like they had been doing it since they could walk! Alden went down the wrong side of the "Bunny Hill" this side had a very steep incline and she had a total wipe out and was finished for the day! Mariah on the other hand skied all day long! In fact, by the end of the day her dad had her skiing the black diamond course! I am not surprised! I figured he would talk one of them into going up with him. Although I figured it would be Alden—she’s the one with the natural athletic ability and has absolutely NO FEAR! In her defense though she had been recuperating from step-throat and was a little "off" all weekend. I think if she felt better she would've kept trying.
Saturday we went tubing. It was the coolest thing! I have never seen anything like it-- you attach your tube to this pulley type thing and it pulls you and your tube up the mountain and then releases you--similar to a ski-lift but obviously you never leave the ground. That was a lot of FUN!...well until....Beckett and I were sitting at the top of the snow bank and this obnoxious group of people came barreling down the mountain and just about went over the top of us! Thanks to my quick reflexes I was able to save myself and our son! I was deemed HERO for the day!
Now it’s back to the old grind. Bummer! I wish we could just play all the time! Wouldn’t life be so grand?!?!?!?!
Stay Tuned for Pictures…