This was our basket of candy...10 bags to be exact. It lasted 1 HOUR before we had to turn poor little costumed clad tykes away. This was giving one piece EACH! I am usually not that chincy but I had heard that in this neighborhood you had to be or you'd run out of candy in the first 15 minutes.
It's a bird, It's a Plane, it's Super-Girl, Mariah! Pretty as a Princess Alden, and Count Dracula Beckett... well that's what I had intended him to be. I have never allowed my kids to dress in anything dark spirited for Halloween. However I found this costume and tried it on him and thought he looked too cute. SO--thought I could adhere numbers to his cape and he could be "Count Dracula" from Sesame Street. But we had a litte costume difficulty and he went as he was. I guess I could have taped a sign to his back that read "Edward Cullen" if you're a Twilight fan, you know that he's the prince charming of vampires...
Hitting the streets...
This is my friend, Thelma. She seemed appalled that I wasn't going to dress up to dish out candy. She told me that I lost my Cool Parent Status! he.he.he. She looked great though..I love how spirited they are. They are definitely the cool parents on the block. Her neighbors house was very Scccarrryy and Beckett wouldn't even go up to the door.
Speaking of getting into the spirit of Halloween look at this cutie...
Another cutie..Our friends Chris and Heather's litte Tiger (aka Katie) We did a trial run the day before to practice her trick or treating. She was too cute. as soon as you would put the treat in her bucket she wanted to eat it.
All in all it was a fun night. Beckett walked the entire way with a death grip on his pumpkin pail. He wasn't giving his loot up for anything...even when he started to become unbalanced and started tripping because his pail was too full and two heavy he wouldn't let Trace carry it. I had some interesting trick or treaters. Teenagers without costumes that actually had the nerve to tell me that they didn't like the candy I handed them and wanted something else from the basket! I should have sent them on their way with nothing at all!!
The kids brought in quite a haul and I am sure we'll still be seeing remnants at Easter!
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