Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Turkey, Trimmings, and Pie... Oh My!!

This post is out of order,I've gotten so far behind in my posting. This is about the Thanksgiving that almost didn't happen. We had been planning on spending Thanksgiving with the Husted family at their new home in Virginia ever since we heard that they would be PCSing this fall from Ellsworth to Virgina where Allen was taking a job at the Pentagon. A lot of obstacles came into play regarding this road trip--mostly with Trace's school. He's in the AFIT IDE program and it's been pretty rigorous and the homework has been daunting. The kids and I hadn't spent a weekend with him in I don't know how long--if that's any indication of how little we've seen him in the last couple of months. So, in order for us to go he was going to have to get ahead in homework for him to even afford the time away. What a roller coaster ride. One day we were going, the next day we weren't! Finally his instructors show a little mercy and homework that he thought would be due this week is now due at a later date. We're all excited because we think it's all a GO! Trace checks the weather and a portion of West Virginia that we will have to travel through is forecasted for snow! 6-12 inches of SNOW! UGH! So, we prayed that the weather would subside and decide to wait until Tuesday to go final on our decision. Long story short on travel day the clouds parted and the sun came out and we decided to make a run for it. All the praise and glory to God for answering our prayers. The entire drive was rain/snow free and for the most part the roads were not busy at all. We arrived late Wednesday night. Had a wonderful Thanksgiving with the Husteds in their beautiful new home. Friday was spent touring the Washington DC area. There was way too much to do and not a lot of time to do it in. We walked the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, took the Capital tour and by the time we were done with that, it was starting to get dark out, we decided to call it a day and head for home for Turkey leftovers and a photo shoot in Cindy's in-home studio. I wanted to get some pictures of the kids for our Christmas card and also get Beckett's 2 yr shots. What was supposed to be an hour drive from DC's to the Husted's ended up taking 2 hours due to some incorrect directions from On star. (it certainly wasn't driver error!!) It ended up being quite entertaining. Alec, (Cindy and Allen's 10 year old) was begging for his dad to pull over and let his mom drive! But alas...we made it home even with Allen driving. Saturday we packed out early morning and had a pretty uneventful ride home. We had such a good time and I am SO glad we were able to go!!

This is Beckett taking in the sites of Washington D.C.


Heather Estridge said...

Happy Thanksgiving late! Sounds like a great trip :) I'm so happy you all were able to get away a bit for the holiday and spend it with good friends.

Sandie said...

I'm so glad that you were able to have such a wonderful time with Allen and Cindy. I miss all of you terribly!